We recognise and welcome our equality duties as set out in the Equality Act 2010 and give due regard to our need to:
- Eliminate discrimination.
- Foster good relationships between groups of people.
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
At Westdene School, we seek to foster a welcoming, nurturing and supportive learning community where people feel valued and have a real sense of belonging. As an inclusive school, we work in partnership with each other to create a supportive and respectful environment, where inequality and discrimination is challenged and aspirations are high.
In acknowledging similarities and differences between individuals and groups , we strive to ensure that differences do not become barriers to participation, access and learning.
Read our Policy Documents Here
We believe that effective equality practice will contribute to raising aspirations and achievement, keeping children safe from bullying and prejudice and from the dangers of radicalisation and extremism as we prepare them to live and work in a diverse world.
Our school embraces the aim of working together to improve children’s educational and health and well-being outcomes, underpinned by out school motto 'Together Everyone Achieves More'.

Fostering understanding
We work hard to ensure the whole school environment and curriculum reflects the diverse community within which we live.
We aim for all pupils / students in our school to see themselves reflected in the stories we read, the assemblies we hold and in our displays and curriculum. We also:
- Give clear messages about expectations as part of school values and this includes regular assemblies which make use of the Equality Calendar. For example, pupils learn about Black History Month, Diwali, Hanukkah, Chinese New Year and other religious and cultural festivals.
- Offer rich curriculum opportunities to learn about local and global diversity and citizenship. Cross-curricular topics and themes provide opportunities for children to learn about other cultures through languages, food, costume, the Arts etc. Outside speakers and visitors including parents/carers are invited to come into school to offer enrichment opportunities and broaden understanding and awareness. Find out more here
- support the development of a sense of global connectedness through our partnerships and cultural exchanges with other schools in France, Spain, Gambia, China and Iceland.
- Support local and national charities. We take part in national fund raising events such as ‘Red Nose Day’ and ‘Children in Need’. This charity work also helps to foster good relations with the local and wider community and helps pupils to develop an awareness of others less fortunate than themselves.