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Remote LEarning 2021-2022

Our Remote Learning Policy  outlines what will happen should children and Staff need to work remotely and addresses the key concerns associated with remote working, such as online safety, access to educational resources, data protection, and safeguarding.

It aims to ensure :

  • minimised disruption to pupils’ education and the delivery of the curriculum.
  • provision is in place so that all pupils have access to high quality learning resources.
  • protection of pupils from the risks associated with using devices connected to the internet.
  • that staff, parent, and pupil data remains secure and is not lost or misused.
  • robust safeguarding measures continue to be in effect during the period of remote learning.
  •  all pupils have the provision they need to complete their work to the best of their ability, and to remain happy, healthy, and supported during periods of remote learning.


It is the role and responsibility of the School to have the capacity to offer immediate remote education and give access to high-quality remote education resources when a pupil needs to self-isolate, or there is a local lockdown requiring all pupils to remain at home. The school has selected online tools that will be consistently used across Year Groups in order to allow interaction, assessment and feedback when working remotely.  These are as follows:

The School may loan devices to families or provide printed resources and workbooks for pupils who do not have suitable online access at home. 

When teaching pupils remotely, we undertake to:

  • set assignments so that pupils have meaningful and ambitious work each day in a number of different subjects
  • teach a well-sequenced curriculum so that knowledge and skills are built incrementally, with a good level of clarity about what is intended to be taught and practised in each subject
  • provide frequent, clear explanations of new content through high-quality curriculum resources and/or videos or webinars
  • gauge how well pupils are progressing through the curriculum, using questions and other suitable tasks with a clear expectation on how regularly work will be checked
  • adjust the pace or difficulty of what is being taught in response to questions or assessments, including, where necessary, revising material or simplifying explanations to ensure pupils’ understanding.
  • plan a programme that is of equivalent length to the core teaching pupils would receive in school, ideally including daily contact with teachers 


What a lovely occasion our celebration assemblies have been this half term - finally a feeling of coming together after so long apart! Hundreds of families have tuned in to watch our live webinar assemblies on January 22nd and February 12th

We could only showcase a fraction of the excellent work that has really caught our eye in the last few weeks, but we are so proud of everyone of the children for their work so far. We are thinking of a way that we can share a piece of work from EVERY child next term, because you all have done such wonderful learning this term and there is so much to be proud of.

Here are the montages of the fantastic remote learning selected as the very best of the childrens work in recent remote times and in Key Worker school, but also reprentative of all the great work we have seen. 

Links to the recordings will be shared with parents/carers directly for those who were not able to attend but would like to watch. 

Keep up the good work!


REMOTE learning CELEBRATION ASSEMbly (1) - Friday 22nd January

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